Fr Adrian Celebrates Alone

Fr Adrian - Easter 2020 (2).jpg

One of the rules which has had to be followed during the lock-down is that there should be no gathering of people for Mass. This is a cause of great sadness and upset to many. From the very start of the church people would gather for ‘the breaking of bread’, as we read in the Acts of the Apostles, and in the letters of St. Paul. We are a people who gather to receive ‘Word and Sacrament’ together. In these strange times we have had to adapt, perhaps by discovering how important it is to treasure the Scriptures, and how grateful we should be that there are so many ways to access the readings at Mass, or by receiving the Mass remotely by live-stream or by recordings, accompanied by a prayer for a ‘spiritual Communion’. We are grateful that our neighbour, Fr Britto, has quickly set up regular live-streaming of his Mass at English Martyrs, Hornchurch. The strangest part of this has been that the most important services of the year, the services of the Easter Triduum, had to be celebrated with an empty church. The picture shows Fr Adrian about to celebrate the Mass of Easter morning. Let us hope for a quick resumption of ‘normal services’.